important facts and question answers related to different types of winds for competitive exams

important facts and question answers related to different types of winds for competitive exams

question answers related to different types of winds

Question - What type of winds are trade winds?

Answer – Permanent or prevailing wind

Question- What is the direction of westerly winds?

Answer – West to East direction

Q: What type of wind is Chinook?

Answer – local hot wind

Question - Where do local winds call Nardar and Narti blow?

Answer – United States

Question: According to Ferrel's law, in which direction does the wind turn in the Northern Hemisphere?

Answer- Right-hand side

Question - What causes the change in the direction of the winds on the earth?

Answer – Due to Coriolis force

Question: Where is the maximum value of Coriolis force?

Answer – on the pole

Question: The area around the equator where cyclones do not occur is called


Question - According to the atmospheric pressure, the wind blows -

Answer: From high pressure to low pressure

Question - What is the name of hot and dry local wind blowing in North India?

Answer - Lo0

Question - What are the dust storms that run in Australia called -

Answer – Brick Filter

Question - What is the name of the cold winds blowing in the tundra region?


Question- In which zone do the trade winds blow?

 Answer – In the tropics

Question - Which latitudes are called horse latitudes?

Answer – The area around -40 degrees north latitude.

Question - What is the name of the hot winds that blow in the region of the Alps mountains?


Question - What are the winds that blow in the same direction throughout the year called?

Answer – Permanent or prevailing wind

Question - What type of wind is monsoon wind?

Answer: Seasonal wind

Question: How many types of wind are there?

Answer: Three types of the prevailing wind, seasonal wind, local wind

Question - What are the types of prevailing wind?

Answer – Three types – 1 trade wind 2. West wind 3. Polar wind

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